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- Hi, Linux friends.
- I have recompiled everything with -m486 and compress the
- pcf fonts to save disk space.
- Since some people couldn't get the package installed right,
- I think a complete working one will be OKey. (hope not wasting your disk)
- In this packages I have put in:
- cxterm new face --- binary, xfonts, input dictionaries, utilities
- hztty --- HZ code add on tty
- lunar --- chinese calendar
- convert --- varies Big5,GB,HZ converters
- cemacs --- lisp file to edit chinese in emacs
- celvis --- chinese vi. I uploaded to sunsite before
- To install:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. cd /; zcat Chinese-Tool.1.0* | tar xvf -
- 2. add "/usr/local/chinese/bin" to your binary search path
- eg: PATH=%PATH%:/usr/local/chinese/bin
- 3. add this line to the beginning of your /usr/X11/lib/X11/Xconfig file
- FontPath "/usr/local/chinese/xfonts/"
- or add this to your .xinitrc or chx
- xset +fp /usr/local/chinese/xfonts
- 4. add /usr/local/chinese/man to your MAN path
- eg: MANPATH=%MANPATH%:/usr/local/chinese/man
- 5. run the script chx (GB) or chx5 (Big5) to invoke cxterm.
- 6. If you need to view HZ code, (eg: reading ACT), run hztty
- or
- hztty5 (this let you view Big5 code by using GB
- internal code and simplified font, however, not every
- Big5 character has the corresponding simplified char.
- So you are better use chx5 to view Big5 code. But
- this turns out you need both GB and Big5 font installed)
- Note: these programs are compiled with the new libc and requires
- the new dynamic linker ldd (if you are using XFree86 2.0,
- you are using the ldd already). If you don't have the ldd
- linker, you will get an error messages.
- You have 2 choices to solve it:
- (1) better to upgrade your shared library libc to newest version
- (2) use the statically linked version in bin/static/*.S
- ie. copy these *.S to bin/ to overwrite the DLL verison.
- If you don't like the input methods or you need other ones, you
- can freely edit the resourse file CXterm.ad in /usr/local/chinese/.
- Change the key-binding for input methods. Please refer to the
- documents and manual pages for details.
- 7. To build new input methods, after you get the *.tit file,
- cd /usr/local/chinese/dict/tit
- tit2nf < my-new-input.tit > my-new-input.titnf
- tit2cit < my-new-input.titnf > ../my-new-input.citnf
- You have built the my-new-input.citnf in your
- /usr/local/chinese/dict directory.
- Now change /usr/local/chinese/CXterm.ad to reflact the change
- you made and run cxterm again.
- 8. To convert chinese files between codes:
- in /usr/local/chinese/convert/
- b2g < my.b5 > my.gb Big5 -> GB
- g2b < my.gb > my.b5 GB -> Big5
- gb2hz < my.gb > my.hz GB -> HZ
- hz2gb < my.hz > my.gb HZ -> GB
- To edit chinese file:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. use celvis if you use vi
- or 2. use cemacs script
- need to put cemacs.elc into your emacs lisp dir.
- eg: /usr/lib/emacs/19.XX/lisp
- or
- ln -fs /usr/local/chinese/cemacs.elc /usr/libemacs/19.22/lisp/cemacs.elc
- or 3. use joe, by adding -asis to your /usr/lib/joerc
- Note:
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- I use GB and PY input myself. If you need other input methods,
- you can get CCTeach1.0 and other inputs from ifcss.org:
- typically in /software/x-win/cxterm-dictionary/*
- To build CCTecah, add '-traditional' to CCFLAGS. That's all.
- Hope it helps.
- If you only use GB or Big5, you can delete the Big5 or GB fonts
- But remember remake the font files:
- cd /usr/local/chinese/xfonts; mkfontdir.
- Also, you can delete or add more input methods. Just remember
- Change the resource file /usr/local/chinese/CXterm.ad to reflact the
- changes you made.
- Have fun !
- Eric Lin. ┴╓╫┐╢√